We provide quality to our translations, which is guaranteed 100%, by ensuring that the execution time is always met, the terminology used being provided by experienced translators and reviewers. We ensure that frame prices are fixed in the long run and payment terms will be set according to your company’s policy.

The requirement for delivery time is one of the key elements for price setting. Therefore, we want to propose the following table. (Please note that EXTERA ZOOM will translate 2,000 characters with spaces included / text page. For study papers, diplomas, certifications that contain less than 2,000 characters with spaces included / page text, these will be considered as a whole page.)

Priority regime – a maximum limit of approximately 35 pages / 24 hours (at the request of the Client, depending on the type of language – technical, literary language, etc. and the language in which the translation is performed);

Normal regime:

Words/ page (approx.) Execution days
0 – 12.000 words 1
12.000 – 110.000  words 5
210.000 – 510.000  words 10
510.000 – 1.010.000  words 15
1.010.000 – 2.020.000  words 30
2.020.000 – 5.020.000  words 45 – 60
> 5.020.000  words EXTERA ZOOM will establish, in agreement with the Client, the execution term